Tag: Women’s Business Center

CEI WBC Info Session with Ruth Feldman

Interested in learning about the resources available to help you start and/or grow your business in Maine? Hear from Ruth…


Demystifying SEO: An Overview of Search Engine Optimization

Increase your website's visibility by implementing and improving SEO. In this 1-hour workshop, WBC Web Design and Marketing Consultant, Mercedes…


Fundamentals of Canva to Streamline your Marketing Efforts

Canva is an excellent tool to assist in your marketing efforts as a small business owner. In this 1-hour webinar, WBC…


Tuesday Toast Talks: Meet, Share, & Connect

Join WBC Business Advisor, Jodi Cordes, for an informal networking meeting with new, existing, or aspiring female entrepreneurs from Greater…


Sole Prop or LLC - Which Business Structure is Right for Me and How to Set It Up

What business structure is best for your venture? How do you legally set up your small business as a specific…


February Biz Fit: Home is Where the Office Is

Do you work from home? Is your home your business, is your business your home? Longing for organization, and a…


Website Design 101: Maintaining Your Website

This course is a beginner-level class designed for those who are thinking about or already have their own website and…


Women on the Water: Starting an Aquaculture Business in Maine

Interested in learning about what it takes to run a sea farm? Come learn about aquaculture from Jaclyn Robidoux and…


Tuesday Toast Talks: Meet, Share, & Connect

Join WBC Business Advisor, Jodi Cordes, for an informal networking meeting with new, existing, or aspiring female entrepreneurs from Greater…


Website Design 101: Building Your Online Presence

This course is a beginner-level class designed to outline the basics of creating and launching your own website. Join WBC…
