Category: Press Release

Windham Organic Farmer Joins National Fly-In to Protect Farm Program Funding

Melissa Law of Bumbleroot Organic Farm asks congressional appropriators to support conservation, local/regional food, and beginning farmer programs that help…


Earning Top Honors: SBA Awards Four CEI Clients as Entrepreneurial Leaders

Of the eleven winners of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 2019 Maine Small Business Awards, four worked with CEI to…


CEI Names Ruth Feldman to Women's Business Center Post for Rural Maine

Machias, Maine- Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI) has named Ruth Feldman as Program Director of the Women’s Business Center at CEI…


CEI Joins Diversity of Mainers in Support of Climate Action Bill

Augusta, ME – From shellfish growers and farmers to doctors and home-grown clean energy businesses, a wide range of Mainers…


CEI Releases Market Analysis of Maine Farmed-Raised Sea Scallops

The overall outlook is promising for Maine to develop scallop aquaculture. Report link. Brunswick, Maine – CEI announced the release…


CEI joins two other impact funds investing $1 million in Encore Renewable Energy for solar projects in New England

Three capital providers in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine come together to support renewable energy. The Flexible Capital Fund (Flex…


Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont are Poised to Spark Transformative Investments in a Clean Energy Future

New Report from The Nature Conservancy and Coastal Enterprises, Inc. Recommends Strategies to Make Renewable Energy More Available, Accessible and…


Impact Investments Bring Affordable Renewable Energy to Maine Towns

A collaboration between CEI and The Nature Conservancy helps municipalities install solar arrays with no money down as developers are…


CourseStorm raises $1 Million+ of Early Stage Capital

CEI Ventures, Maine Venture Fund, Maine Angels and LearnLaunch fund online class registration platform Orono, Maine - CourseStorm, an online…


Dream Local Digital raises $725,000 of Early Stage Venture Capital

CEI Ventures, Maine Venture Fund, MTI and Bangor Angels lead Series A funding round for fast-growing digital media company  …

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