Category: Press Release

Betsy Biemann and Keith Bisson Step Into CEO & President Roles at CEI

May 19, 2016--Maine's business journal Mainebiz featured CEI's transition to new leadership this week with a profile of CEO Betsy…


Harvesting Economic Impact: CEI Capital Management Collaborates to Award $650,000 to The Town of Grand Lake Stream

May 4, 2016 – Collaboration among CEI Capital Management, the Town of Grand Lake Stream, Northern Forest Center, The Lyme…


CEI Participates in Historic Community Benefit Agreement Announcement with KeyBank and NCRC

April 13, 2016 -- Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI) joined the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and KeyBank in Washington, DC,…


Family-Owned Wharf in Tenants Harbor Receives Working Waterfront Protection, Provides Commercial Fishing Access

April 8, 2016 -- A significant property in Tenants Harbor was today added to the growing list of commercial waterfront properties…


Norway Savings Bank Announces $300,000 Equity Equivalent Loan to CEI to Help New Mainers

April 4, 2016 -- Norway Savings Bank contributes to several non-profit agencies that help new immigrants integrate and prosper in Maine.…


CEI Ventures Expands Fund Portfolio with Pika Energy Investment

Renewable energy manufacturer Pika Energy is the fourth company added to CEI’s new fund April 4, 2016 – CEI Ventures, Inc.,…


MCED, CEI Win Highly Competitive Federal EDA Grants

A total of $640,000 in new funding to benefit Maine entrepreneurs February 8, 2016 (Portland, ME)—U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce…

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