Investing in communities to build a just and vibrant future

We offer real estate financing for projects that have significant positive impacts for their local communities, particularly rural areas and communities that have high proportions of low-income residents and/or have been historically disinvested. The CEI family of organizations have expertise in a number of state and federal incentive programs to help your project achieve its maximum impact.

Find the Right Loan for You
Have questions about a potential loan request? Complete our inquiry form!

Predevelopment Loans
Loans up to $125,000
CEI predevelopment financing can help support pre-construction and development-period costs.
Terms and closing costs may vary based on specifics of project and prevailing market rates. Typical time to approval is 4-6 weeks but can fluctuate based on number of requests.
$25,000 – $125,000
Interest Rate
Typical Term:
Up to 18 months
Other Features/Requirements:
Speak with your loan officer about other features/requirements.
Loan Process
Have your business plan, financials, and other materials handy? Then you’re ready to apply!
Loan ApplicationIn addition to the application above, you must submit a credit acknowledgement for each guarantor listed on the loan application.
Credit AcknowledgementReview our application checklist to ensure you have all the materials you need.
Application ChecklistA business questionnaire can be completed in place of submitting a formal business plan for loan requests $50,000 and below.
Business QuestionnaireA financial statement is required for all guarantors on loans greater than $100,000. Templates from other institutions are acceptable.
Personal Financial StatementFee Schedule
Fee Schedule
Construction Loans
Loans up to $1 million
CEI offers both bridge and bridge-to-permanent construction financing options for commercial new construction and rehabilitation projects.
Terms and closing costs may vary based on specifics of project and prevailing market rates. Typical time to approval is 4-6 weeks but can fluctuate based on number of requests.
$5,000 to $1 million (higher amounts may be considered)
Interest Rate:
Typical Term:
Up to 18 Months
Other Features/Requirements:
Loan Process
Have your business plan, financials, and other materials handy? Then you’re ready to apply!
Loan ApplicationIn addition to the application above, you must submit a credit acknowledgement for each guarantor listed on the loan application.
Credit AcknowledgementReview our application checklist to ensure you have all the materials you need.
Application ChecklistA business questionnaire can be completed in place of submitting a formal business plan for loan requests $50,000 and below.
Business QuestionnaireA financial statement is required for all guarantors on loans greater than $100,000. Templates from other institutions are acceptable.
Personal Financial StatementFee Schedule
Fee Schedule
Community Facility & Nonprofit Loans
CEI offers financing to projects that support nonprofits and/or the construction, rehabilitation or expansion of facilities that support community needs including:
- Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, medical and dental clinics, nursing homes or assisted living facilities
- Community, social, or cultural services such as child care centers, community centers, food banks and pantries, fairgrounds, transitional housing, libraries or schools
Terms and closing costs may vary based on specifics of project and prevailing market rates. Typical time to approval is 4-6 weeks but can fluctuate based on number of requests.
Community Facilities & Nonprofits
Start-up, working capital, real estate and equipment purchases, facilities expansion, and refinance of existing higher interest rate debt.
Up to $1 million (higher amounts may be considered)
Interest Rate:
Typical Term:
3-7 years with extended amortization possible.
Other Features/Requirements:
Limited to borrowers who are Nonprofit organizations and Tribal entities.
Loan Process
Have your business plan, financials, and other materials handy? Then you’re ready to apply!
Loan ApplicationIn addition to the application above, you must submit a credit acknowledgement (link below) for each guarantor listed on the loan application.
Credit AcknowledgementReview our application checklist to ensure you have all the materials you need.
Application ChecklistA business questionnaire can be completed in place of submitting a formal business plan for loan requests $50,000 and below.
Business QuestionnaireA financial statement is required for all guarantors on loans greater than $100,000. Templates from other institutions are acceptable.
Personal Financial StatementFee Schedule
Fee Schedule
Maine State Historic Tax Credit Equity
Through our subsidiary 30FSI, we invest in the restoration and rehabilitation of historic properties in Maine in order to support downtown revitalization, and the creation of good jobs, affordable housing units, workforce housing, and mixed-use development.
Commercial Real Estate
Rehabilition of certified historic structures.
Other Features/Requirements:
Must be a certified historic building or in process to be certified by the National Park Service. For more information, reach out to Daniel Wallace, CEO of 30FSI at Daniel.Wallace@ceimaine,org or 207.535.2916
Loan Process
Learn more about Incentives for Historic Rehabilition in Maine
Maine Historic Incentives30 Federal Street Investments

Maine New Market Capital Investment Program
Through our subsidiary CEI Capital Management LLC, we invest in operating companies in Maine with equipment or construction/expansion capital needs of $xx-xx million, with an emphasis on employers that are committed to creating good jobs for their employees in alignment with CEI’s Good Jobs Framework.
New Markets Tax Credit eligible census tracts in Maine (see mapping tool in sidebar)
Any, excepting the following prohibited industries: Private or commercial golf courses; Country clubs; Massage parlors; Hot Tub facilities; Suntan facilities; Racetrack or other facility used for gambling; A store whose principle business is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off-premises; Farms; or Any trade or business consisting predominantly of the development or holding of intangibles for sale or license. Additionally, less than 80% of gross income must come from rental of dwelling units, and a portion of any residential rental units may be required to be reserved for low-income residents.
Construction or expansion of facilities, purchase and installation of equipment.
Dependent on source of leverage debt.
Seven (7) years.
Other Features/Requirements:
Borrowers are required to enter into a community benefits agreement regarding job creation and quality.
Loan Process
About the Maine New Markets Capital Investment Program
Maine NMCI ProgramAm I in a qualified census track?
NMTC Mapping ToolCEI Capital Management LLC

Community Reinvestment Act Areas & Opportunity Zones Investment
Through our joint venture CEI-Boulos Capital Management LLC, we invest in commercial real estate projects with positive social and environmental impacts, including redevelopment and new construction of commercial properties such as multi-family, mixed-use assets, industrial, office, retail and hospitality. Our investment focus is on community-centered projects located in Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Areas and Opportunity Zones.
Commercial Real Estate, including multi-family, mixed-use assets, industrial, office, retail and hospitality.
Construction, expansion, redevelopment or renovation.
Other Features / Requirements:
For more information, contact:
Loan Process
Am I in an Opportunity Zone?
Opportunity ZonesCEI-Boulos Capital Management

New Markets Tax Credits
Through our subsidiary CEI Capital Management LLC, we work nationally to connect new and existing rural manufacturing companies with flexible capital so they can build accessible good jobs that provide living wages, comprehensive benefits and opportunities for training and advancement in alignment with CEI’s Good Jobs Framework. CEI Capital Management lends to companies in rural areas across the U.S. with equipment or construction/expansion capital needs of $8 million or more.
New Markets Tax Credit eligible census tracts in non-metropolitan counties anywhere in the U.S. (see mapping tool in sidebar)
Any, excepting the following prohibited industries: Private or commercial golf courses; Country clubs; Massage parlors; Hot Tub facilities; Suntan facilities; Racetrack or other facility used for gambling; A store whose principle business is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off-premises; Farms; or Any trade or business consisting predominantly of the development or holding of intangibles for sale or license. Additionally, less than 80% of gross income must come from rental of dwelling units, and a portion of any residential rental units may be required to be reserved for low-income residents.
Construction or expansion of facilities, purchase and installation of equipment.
$8 million to $20 million (or more with partners)
Dependent on source of leverage debt.
Seven (7) years.
Other Features/Requirements:
Borrowers are required to enter into a community benefits agreement regarding job creation and quality.
Loan Process