Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI), a nonprofit community development organization, with the support of Maine State Housing Authority, will offer the Homebuyer Education class in a one day live webinar on […]
What do the new Maine Child Care market rates mean for you and your private pay families? Join the Child Care Business Lab team for a group support session on […]
CEI Women's Business Center - Portland
2 Portland Fish Pier Suite 201, Portland, ME, United States
Building relationships and connections in professional settings can open doors to business opportunities. In this 4-week in-person cohort, participants master the skills of Intentional Networking, which cultivates professional growth and boosts self-confidence. Led by Flo Edwards, participants will learn and practice interpersonal, communication, and strategic selling skills. Topics include: ● Developing a brand that defines […]
The CEI WBC is on our Summer Schedule! We are still open and actively engaging with female entrepreneurs across our state but our programming schedule looks a lot different for the summer. We are hard at work planning more workshops but you’ll see a lot less on the schedule for June, July, and August. Stay […]
Wears and Wares - Farmington
413 Wilton Road, Farmington, ME, United States
Join WBC Business Advisor, Jodi Cordes, for an informal networking meeting with new, existing, or aspiring female entrepreneurs from Greater Franklin County! Join us on the first Tuesday for a […]
Join us for a virtual reunion with fellow alumnae from the Self-Worth Club and Boundaries for a Thriving Business programs. We hope you'll join us on Tuesday, June 4th for this 1.5-hour informal get-together facilitated by Hannah Curtis! What to Expect: Reflect on your journey with self-worth and boundaries in your business. Collaborate on actionable steps […]
Join Cameron Monaghan, Associate Program Developer, for an information session on Maine’s new mandatory retirement savings program, MERIT: Maine Retirement Investment Trust. Tailored specifically for small businesses, this session aims to guide you through navigating this new state law. Businesses with 5 or more employees must register by the end of June, so now is […]
Do you want to own your own business? Are you helping to transition a family-owned business? We need Small Businesses in our communities. The retention of successful and established small […]
Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI), a nonprofit community development organization, with the support of Maine State Housing Authority, will offer the Homebuyer Education class in a n 3 sessions, June 10, […]
A key growth strategy for many businesses is getting certified as woman-owned. But what exactly is the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) Certification? What are the benefits to a small business owner? In this 1-hour info session, Meghan Cunningham, WBENC New England Certification Manager at Center for Women & Enterprise will review the WBENC certification in addition to […]