Counseling and Education to Unlock Your Financial Future

A house is more than just a place to live. Owning your own home can be a good way to create financial security and build equity and wealth for the future.
Purchasing and owning a home is big commitment of time and resources, a major decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
We offer courses as well as individual counseling support, to help you make informed decisions that will provide a solid foundation for your financial future – both for prospective and current homeowners.
Interpretation services are available upon request.

Resources for Homebuyers and Homeowners
Homebuyer Education
Live Classes & Webinars
CEI’s homebuyer education program is certified and compliant with Maine hoMEworks to provide comprehensive, 8-hour programs throughout the state.
Participating in home buyer education results in lower delinquency and foreclosure rates as new homeowners feel better prepared and equipped to take on this new and exciting chapter in their lives!
CEI offers both in-person classes and online classes.
Self-Paced Online Course

CEI has partnered with eHomeAmerica to offer comprehensive, Maine hoMeworks approved homebuyer education online that is self-paced and convenience It is the nation’s premier online homebuyer education program.
Pre- and Post-Purchase Counseling
Prospective buyers can meet with one of CEI’s HUD-certified counselor to discuss in detail their situation, challenges, and goals in embarking on the home buying process.
Post-purchase counseling gives new homebuyers an additional opportunity to review their closing documents, and guidance as they transition into homeownership.
Both offerings can be done in person, virtually or over the phone completely free of charge.
Reverse Mortgage Counseling
CEI is the only counseling agency in Maine offering Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) counseling. Homeowners aged 62 and older, who own their own home as their primary residence, may be qualified to access existing equity in their home. CEI is proud to offer the required comprehensive counseling session by a HUD-certified HECM counselor at no cost. This 90-minute session can be completed virtually, face-to-face or via telephone.
Default Management & Foreclosure Prevention
Many households face economic hardship. If you are having difficulty paying your mortgage, are in foreclosure or fear that you may be soon, CEI can help.
Many homeowners have already tried to work with their lenders and frustrated by that experience. The bank does not want your home; there may be options for homeowners, but the process of default and foreclosure is often a scary and confusing one. Don’t give up!
Our HUD certified counselors can assist homeowners at any stage of mortgage delinquency or foreclosure in Maine at no cost.