Making a big impact one small business at a time.

Each day, we strive to create positive impacts that move us closer to our vision of a just, vibrant and climate resilient future for people and communities in Maine and rural regions.
Since CEI’s founding in 1977, the CEI family of organizations has invested $1.53 billion in 3,222 businesses and projects that are changing Maine’s employment landscape and creating positive economic ripple effects in rural regions throughout the U.S.
The following impacts below are from our most recent fiscal year (Oct 1- Sept 30) and are limited to the CEI parent organization only, for our broader impact, see our most recent impact report:

Lending & Investment
lent or invested in Maine
loans to women-owned businesses
loans to BIPOC-owned Businesses
companies in Maine that received Good Jobs Advising
of loans to businesses with carbon-reducing features, such as increased energy efficiency or pollution/waste reduction
Business Advising
2,850 people
accessed one-on-one business advice or training
Financial Wellness Coaching
1,008 people
participated in homeownership counseling and financial education that helped them purchase homes, avoid foreclosures or build their savings
Policy Advocacy & Systems Change
34 Bills
testified on before the Maine State Legislature
Impact Reports

Building a More Equitable Economy
Business ownership, homeownership and access to good-paying jobs with benefits and advancement opportunities are all crucial building blocks for a thriving economy. They empower people and families, especially those who haven’t always had a fair shot, to build wealth and security. As a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), we’re passionate about bridging this gap. We believe everyone deserves a chance to succeed, regardless of background or financial history. That’s why we help people who have traditionally faced barriers – women, people of color, immigrants, refugees, veterans, low-income people – access the resources they need to thrive.