Start-Up Family Child Care Grants

Grants for Starting a New Home-Based Child Care Business


Maine residents interested in starting a home-based or family child care business

Maximum Award


$25,000 if you are adding a room on to your home exclusively for the child care

For more information about the definition of “adding a room,” please review the Family Child Care section of Frequently Asked Questions.

Award Calculation

75% of start-up expenses

Use of Grant Funds

Grant awards received may be used for the following purposes:

Priority Areas

Priority will be given to applications from Aroostook, Franklin, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset and Washington Counties. In addition, applicants committing to the following will receive bonus points:

Application Process

There are two steps to the application process:

  1. FCC Start-Up Application 1: New applications are no longer being accepted. Those who started Application 1 before June 30, 2024, may submit their Application 1 when it is complete. It will be reviewed and considered for Application 2 within 3 weeks.
  2. FCC Start-Up Application 2: Invitation-only based on eligibility determined from Application 1 and includes a description of your project plans plus a list of your start-up expenses. Applications will be accepted through August 30, 2024 or until all funds are awarded, whichever occurs first.