February 14, 2019
Harvest Tide Organics
After years of farming in Maine, Bethany Allen and Eric Ferguson dreamed of owning and operating their own farm. When they found property situated along Merrymeeting Bay and the Kennebec River in Bowdoinham, with 65 acres for growing and crop rotation plus a house and a barn, they reached out to CEI for support to develop a strong business plan. In 2015 they purchased the property with a loan from CEI. “CEI is more than just a lender. We received a lot of support beyond just the financials,” said Bethany.
Bethany and Eric prioritize hiring locally and working directly with organizations in and around Bowdoinham. Harvest Tide Organics is MOFGA-certified organic, and the land is in conservation easement, meaning it will always be kept as farmland. The farm sells wholesale produce to distributors and small grocers and offers a delivery CSA (Community Shared Agriculture) program during both the summer and winter.